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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

 Careers and Raising Aspirations

The aim of the Thomas Knyvett College Careers Programme is to raise the aspirations of all students who attend Thomas Knyvett College. 

Listed below are our yearly activities, which we plan closely with teachers and the Senior leadership  team to ensure that there is a strong link within the curriculum. We regularly review the activities to maximise learning potential for each student - enhancing their ambition and preparing them for the world of work. These activities are delivered within tutor time, assemblies and carefully selected lesson times.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11

Apprenticeship guidance and workshops



Big Interview

Innervate advisors (Careers and Options)

Careers fairs

Careers insight (talks, workshops or external visits)

College and Sixth forms introductions

College taster days

Employer encounters

Exam busting workshop

Lego Challenge

Mentoring programmes (Mosaic and U-Explore)

Resilience workshop

Stem workshops/activities

University visits

Work Experience

These workshops provide a variety of compelling interactive activities, full of facts and information for our students to take forward, beyond their time at Thomas Knyvett College - encouraging them to develop skills that they’ll one day transfer into their working lives.

Careers advice 1 to 1

Careers information is provided through our curriculum, class teachers will often refer to employment opportunities during lessons and tutor times as well as the above opportunities.

Students also get 1 to 1 careers advice via Innervate, who we work closely alongside to provide confidential impartial advice to all year groups over the students’ time with us.  Please click to get more information for young people and parents/carers.

Please take time to read Innervate’s latest newsletter.

As well as providing our students with careers advice we encourage all of our students to partake in additional reading and would encourage them to read careermag . Please find below the latest  issue. 

Click here to view Issue 4 for Parents

Click to view Issue 14

Useful Website links - Careers helpline for teenagers - Apprenticeship Jobs  - BBC Bitesize careers advice, and informative videos - Amazing Apprenticeships