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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Special Educational Needs and Disability / Inclusion


At Thomas Knyvett College, we believe that every student should have the opportunity to experience a rich and varied curriculum, and students with special educational needs should be no exception. Our Inclusion Department works closely with students, parents/carers and teaching staff to ensure that the needs of students whether learning and/or social/behavioural are addressed in a positive way. As a result, our students with special educational needs can enjoy their time at secondary school and achieve their full potential. We offer individual support packages based on the needs of each student, from individual support to small group courses, in order to guarantee that every student is supported in the most effective way possible.  We also screen our students regularly at an early stage to identify any possible learning needs they may have so we can intervene accordingly.  This has proved to be very effective for our SEND students.  At Thomas Knyvett College, we consider the needs of the whole student and develop support for them both academically and pastorally where it is required in order for them to grow in to independent learners and achieve their full potential.

In our latest OFSTED inspection, the inspection team noted that:

Students who are disabled or have special educational needs make very good progress because of the excellent individual support given to them throughout their time at the college.  The learning support department ensures excellent all-round provision including support with anger management, handwriting and phoncis (understanding letter sounds) as well as a significant emphasis on the teaching of social skills, reading, writing and mathematics in the GOAL curriculum.  Well trained teaching assistants provide close support for students in lessons.  Structured play at break times, a student relational worker and assisted homework support all have a very positive impact on these students' progress.

Comments from Students and Parents/Carers:

I feel happy knowing that my son is getting the best support possible

Thank you so much for all the help you have given my son during his exams – he would never have got these grades without your guidance and help

Thanks for not giving up on me Miss – I couldn’t have done it without you!

The pre-learning group really helps me to focus and feel confident in my lessons, it has helped me make good progress

I’ve learned that it is OK to take risks and reading is cool, not geeky like I used to think it was!

How to get in touch

If you have any SEND related issues that you would like to discuss, please contact the Inclusion department on