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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Pupil Premium (Educational Equity) Strategy Plan

Click here to view the policy document

Statement of intent

At TKC, it is an absolute priority to minimise the impact that potential socio-economic disadvantage can have on the wellbeing, progress and prospects of our students.

This year, in our third year of strategy, we have prioritised a rebranding of the ‘Disadvantaged’ strategy, which is now referred to as the ‘Educational Equity’ strategy. We have sought to remove all language contributing to the ‘deficit discourse’ in recognition of the positive contribution to our culture and community all students make, regardless of socio-economic status.

Therefore, the scope of this strategy has broadened as it seeks to ensure an equity of opportunities for all students, including, but not limited to, students in receipt of the pupil premium funding because of socio-economic status.

We believe it is particularly important now, given the difficulties many of us have faced in recent years, that we recognise that lots of families find themselves in challenging contexts, and we have a responsibility to implement a variety of strategies which support the full range of students who could benefit from them, and to make sure our support for students is such that that no individuals miss out on the support they need- pastorally or academically.

Our faculties take responsibility for identifying potential academic and practical challenges/barriers within their disciplines and, as a team, we take necessary actions to facilitate our students in overcoming them. We prioritise the provisions for expert literacy teaching across the school, including diagnostic-informed reading interventions for low readers. This focus on teaching- particularly in the use of reciprocal reading as an introduction to disciplinary literacy as part of our ‘TKC Way’ philosophy to lessons- is endorsed by the Education Endowment Foundation as one of the most effective for supporting student progress.

In taking this approach, we do hope to particularly secure the progress of our students receiving the Pupil Premium funding- as this is a measure by which the success of our strategy will be judged externally, but we hope our inclusive and enriching culture beyond lessons will have a far broader measurable positive impact on our whole school community right now, and for future generations of our families in Stanwell, Ashford and the surrounding area.

We want to make sure that we genuinely ‘bring out the best’ in our community for decades and generations to come, by educating people whose aspirations and ambitions once they leave us, will be a force for fighting against socio-economic disadvantage in their futures.